The Experiment Overview displays basic information about the experiment including details required by MIFlowCyt, section 1. Specifically, these details are displayed:
- Repository ID - Each experiment (dataset) is assigned a unique repository identifier. The identifier is typically the form of FR-FCM-xxxx where xxxx is a sequence of four alphanumeric characters (case sensitive). Knowing the repository identifier, a public view of a public experiment can be accessed directly by a URL in the form of, e.g.,
- Experiment name - The name of the experiment as provided by the data uploader.
- MIFlowCyt score - A value between 0% and 100% that reflects the compliance of provided annotation with MIFlowCyt.
- Primary researcher - The person doing the experiment.
- PI/manager - The person responsible for the project.
- Uploaded by - The person who uploaded the dataset.
- Experiment dates - When was the experiment done, including preparation and data acquisition and analysis.
- Dataset uploaded - When was the dataset originally uploaded.
- Last updated - When was the annotation last updated.
- Keywords - Key terms characterizing the experiment.
- Pubmed IDs - Pubmed identifiers of any publications associated with this dataset.
- Organizations - Organizations involved in this experiment.
- Purpose - Description of why was the experiment done.
- Conclusion - Description of the outcome of the experiment.
- Comments - Any additional notes or caveats.
- Quality control - A description of the quality control measures used such as replicates, calibrations, control assays, etc. and/or a reference to another experiment used for quality control purposes.
- Experiment variables - Variables that differ between samples within the experiment due to pre-existing differences in sample states or due to experimental manipulation of the samples.
MIFlowCyt is described in the MIFlowCyt manuscript and the actual specification can be downloaded from ISAC web pages.