
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZYQR Experiment name: On-therapy PBMC samples MIFlowCyt score: 19.50%
Primary researcher: Spencer Wei PI/manager: Spencer Wei Uploaded by: Spencer Wei
Experiment dates: 2017-08-01 - 2018-12-01 Dataset uploaded: Sep 2018 Last updated: Oct 2019
Keywords: None Manuscripts:
Organizations: None
Purpose: To profile changes in T cell populations in peripheral blood of patients being treated with immune checkpoint blockade therapies. These therapies include anti-CTLA-4 (ipilimumab), anti-PD-1 (nivolumab or pembrolizumab) and ipi + nivo.
Conclusion: None
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: Aliquots of identical normal donor blood were analyzed in each cohort of samples analyzed to detect and correct for technical batch effects. Each cohort was individually barcoded. Data are provided as bead normalized, debarcoded and gated for total CD45+ cells.
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