Download a ZIP of multiple files by selecting files to download and clicking on the ZIP & Download Files button at the bottom of the page. You can also use the Select All Files, Select FCS Files, Select Attachments and Clear Selection buttons to select the desired files. You can also use shift selection in order to select a range of files. Click on the checkbox of the first file you wish to select, then hold down the Shift button and click on the checkbox of the last file that you wish to select. You will be required to solve the CAPTCHA at the bottom of the page since you are not logged in.
Important note: Please be patient, creating the appropriate ZIP file on the server will take a bit of time. Typically, the server can zip about 300 MB per minute, so if you select all the data of this experiment (893.4 MB) then it will likely take about 4 minutes to create the ZIP and start the download. Also, please note that the larger the ZIP file, the higher the chance that it may get corrupted while downloading over the network. Generally, we suggest keeping your downloads below 1 GB or even less if your Internet connection is unreliable.