
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z24Y Experiment name: Engineered MLV as Reference Particle for Small Particle FCM MIFlowCyt score: 36.64%
Primary researcher: Vera Tang PI/manager: Vera Tang Uploaded by: Vera Tang
Experiment dates: 2018-03-01 - 2019-04-30 Dataset uploaded: May 2019 Last updated: Jun 2019
Keywords: [Nanoparticles] [Retrovirus] [Reference Particles] Manuscripts:
Organizations: University of Ottawa, Flow Cytometry & Virometry Core Facility, Ottawa, ON (Canada)
Purpose: We show here that an engineered murine leukemia virus (MLV) can act as a fluorescence reference particle for other small particles such as EVs. More specifically, we show that engineered MLV is a highly monodisperse enveloped particle that can act as an EV surrogate to control, demonstrating the various effects of antibody labeling on the physical properties of small particles such as light scatter.
Conclusion: MLV particles are monodispersed biological particles that can be engineered to express high levels of antigens on the surface of the lipid membrane envelope. These antigens are readily labeled by antibody. These virus particles can be used to demonstrate the physical effects of fluorophores on labeled small particles such as fluorophore quenching and increase in light scatter due to changes in RI and hydrodynamic diameter.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: MESF Beads were used for fluorescence standardization Buffer only controls for background events Antibody only controls for background events in antibody labeling
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