
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z2B3 Experiment name: Immune profiling of different human tumors coupled with murine reverse translational studies identify CD73 as a rational combinatorial target for GBM MIFlowCyt score: 18.75%
Primary researcher: Andrew Cornish PI/manager: Andrew Cornish Uploaded by: Andrew Cornish
Experiment dates: 2015-07-01 - 2019-10-24 Dataset uploaded: Oct 2019 Last updated: Dec 2019
Keywords: None Manuscripts:
Organizations: MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas (United States)
Purpose: To characterize the heterogenous immune infiltrate across five tumor types (GBM, prostate cancer, CRC, RCC, and NSCLC) in human patients prior to any immunotherapy, and then utilize knowledge about the distinct phenotypes found in various tumor types to rationally design a reverse translational experiment in a murine model.
Conclusion: None
Comments: For human data, files are provided both in raw (prior to any gating, normalization, and where applicable de-barcoding) as well as pre-processed form for each sample. File names provide the tumor type, patient number, and what pre-processing if any has been done on the file (versus raw). For de-barcoded samples the barcoding schema is provided in an accompanying spreadsheet, For murine data, raw as well as pre-processed files are similarly provided. File names provide the genotype (i.e. knockout or wild type), treatment (anti-PD1, dual blockade, or no treatment), the number of the mouse in the experiment, and finally what pre-processing has been done (versus raw files).
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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