
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z2CP Experiment name: Ma et al CD8+ T cell signalling panel experiment 2 MIFlowCyt score: 82.83%
Primary researcher: Claire Ma PI/manager: Arianne Richard Uploaded by: Arianne Richard
Experiment dates: 2019-02-05 - 2019-02-06 Dataset uploaded: Nov 2019 Last updated: Nov 2019
Keywords: [mass cytometry] [CyTOF] [CD8+ T cells] Manuscripts: [32412411] Elifelogo
Organizations: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, Department of Medicine, Cambridge, (UK)
Purpose: We wished to understand how stimulation strength impacted the signalling pathways initiated downstream of TCR ligation. We stimulated OTI Rag1-deficient CD8+ T cells with 4 peptides (SIINFEKL (N4) = high potency, SIITFEKL (T4) = medium potency, SIIGFEKL (G4) = low potency, ASNENMDAM (NP68) = null) for 0, 1, 2, 4 or 6 hours and then examined their signalling using a custom mass cytometry panel.
Conclusion: We find that it is the rate of activation and not the organization of this programme that responds to signal strength.
Comments: None
Funding: This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust (grants [103930], [100140] and [217100] to G.M.G and grant 204017/Z/16/Z to C.Y.M); Cancer Research UK (core funding [A17197] to J.C.M); EMBL (core funding to J.C.M); the MRC (MR/P014178/1 to A.C.R); the ACT (grant [23/17 A (ii)] to C.Y.M). A.C.R also received a supplementary grant from the National Institute for Health Research [Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre at the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust].
Quality control: None

Experiment variables

· 0 hour c01_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c01_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c02_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c02_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs
· 1 hour c16_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c16_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c17_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c17_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c18_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c18_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c19_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c19_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs
· 2 hour c03_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c03_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c04_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c04_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c05_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c05_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c06_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c06_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c07_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c07_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs
· 4 hour c08_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c08_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c09_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c09_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c10_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c10_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c11_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c11_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs
· 6 hour c12_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c12_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c13_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c13_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c14_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c14_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c15_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c15_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs

· N4 c03_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c03_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c04_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c04_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c08_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c08_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c12_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c12_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c16_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c16_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs
· T4 c05_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c05_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c09_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c09_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c13_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c13_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c17_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c17_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs
· G4 c06_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c06_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c10_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c10_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c14_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c14_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c18_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c18_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs
· NP68 c07_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c07_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c11_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c11_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c15_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c15_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c19_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c19_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs
· unstimulated c01_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c01_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs · c02_SAMPLE_A_01_1_0.fcs · c02_SAMPLE_B_01_1_0.fcs

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