
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z2JH Experiment name: Mass cytometry on PBMCs from patients with chronic lympocytic leukaemia (CLL) MIFlowCyt score: 31.50%
Primary researcher: Tamara Davenne PI/manager: Jan Rehwinkel Uploaded by: Tamara Davenne
Experiment dates: 2018-03-01 - 2018-03-30 Dataset uploaded: Apr 2020 Last updated: Apr 2020
Keywords: [CLL] [APOPTOSIS] [CyTOF; mass cytometry; flow cytometry; standardization] [SAMHD1] [forodesine] [deoxyguanosine] Manuscripts:
Organizations: MRC Human Immunology Unit, MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Oxford, (UK)
Purpose: Quantify apoptosis by mass cytometry in CLL PBMCs treated with forodesine + deoxyguanosine. Samples were divided into two groups: with SAMHD1 mutations and without SAMHD1 mutation. No SAMHD1 protein was detected in SAMHD1 mutated group, confirming loss-of-function mutation.
Conclusion: Only leukaemic cells that did not express SAMHD1 (harbouring SAMHD1 mutation) showed increased levels of cleaved-PARP and cleaved-CASPASE3.
Comments: The leukaemic population in PBMCs could be divided into active and inactive cells. Active cells are characterised by active MAPK, NF-kb and JAK/STAT signalling pathways, as shown by the phosphorylated proteins of that pathway identified by mass cytometry. File names correspond to patient ID referred to in our manuscript . H1, H2 and H3 are healthy donors.
Funding: This work was funded by the UK Medical Research Council [MRC core funding of the MRC Human Immunology Unit; J.R.]; the Wellcome Trust [grant number 100954; J.R]. T.D. was supported by the Wellcome Trust Infection, Immunology & Translational Medicine doctoral programme [grant number 105400/Z/14/Z]
Quality control: Samples were concatenated and debarcoded
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