
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z2QT Experiment name: 40 Color OMIP new donors raw MIFlowCyt score: 61.25%
Primary researcher: Joanne Lannigan PI/manager: Maria Jaimes Uploaded by: Joanne Lannigan
Experiment dates: 2020-07-06 - 2020-07-14 Dataset uploaded: Jul 2020 Last updated: Sep 2020
Keywords: [high content flow cytometry] [OMIP] [spectral flow cytometry] [full spectrum flow cytometry] Manuscripts: [32830910] Cytalogo
Organizations: Cytek Biosciences, Inc., Fremont, CA (USA)
Purpose: Additional donors run with 40 color panel for OMIP manuscript
Conclusion: New donors successfully executed
Comments: None
Funding: NA
Quality control: 40 color OMIP unmixed See OMIP manuscript and MIFlowCyt checklist
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