
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z2XE Experiment name: Mass Cytometry of Paediatric Burn Patients MIFlowCyt score: 19.50%
Primary researcher: Blair Johnson PI/manager: Blair Johnson Uploaded by: Blair Johnson
Experiment dates: 2018-09-13 - 2018-11-29 Dataset uploaded: Jun 2020 Last updated: Jul 2020
Keywords: None Manuscripts:
Organizations: None
Purpose: To compare the immune profiles of paediatric burn survivors (3yrs post-injury) to healthy age/sex-matched controls
Comments: FCS files were normalised using CyTOF Software (v6.7.1014, normalization passport EQ-P13H2303_ver2) and have been cleaned and debarcoded. Files have not been gated on viability (cisplatin). Controls are matched to patients and pairs were stained in the same tube. Patients are paediatric burn survivors.
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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