
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z35A Experiment name: Gyrase-GFP following LacO3O1 overexpression. MIFlowCyt score: 44.75%
Primary researcher: Andre Ribeiro PI/manager: Andre Ribeiro Uploaded by: Andre Ribeiro
Experiment dates: 2019-05-01 - Dataset uploaded: Nov 2020 Last updated: Nov 2020
Keywords: [E. coli] [flow-cytometry] [Gyrase] [GFP-tagged] Manuscripts: [32113983]
Organizations: Laboratory of Biosystem Dynamics of Tampere University, Tampere, (Finland)
Purpose: Quantify the increase in intracellular concentration of Gyrase with the induction level of a plasmid coding for Gyrase under the control of the Rhamnose promoter.
Conclusion: For this range of induction levels, the fold change in Gyrase levels increases linearly with induction levels.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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