
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z37K Experiment name: Cell_Types_Supplemental MIFlowCyt score: 80.95%
Primary researcher: Lydia Bederka PI/manager: Vivienne Rebel Uploaded by: Lydia Bederka
Experiment dates: 2017-08-18 - 2021-06-29 Dataset uploaded: Dec 2020 Last updated: Jun 2021
Keywords: [Beads] [Leukocytes] [sputum] [squamous epithelial cells] Manuscripts: Plosonelogo
Organizations: UT Health San Antonio Flow Cytometry Core Facility, San Antonio, TX (USA)
Purpose: Comparison of light scatter profiles of cell types commonly found in sputum. We used cultured cancer cells from the HCC15 cell line, healthy human saliva, and whole blood isolated from a healthy human for RBC and WBC collection. The scatter profiles of each cell type was compared to the profile of NIST beads of known diameter.
Conclusion: Cell populations produced profiles of their estimated size range with the exception of cells isolated from saliva. This sample produced cells of smaller size, based on the forward scatter profile and with higher granularity, based on the increased size scatter profile. All cell profiles comprised the area between the 5 and 30 micron range.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: The LSR II cytometer platform was checked prior to each analysis session with BD FACSDiva™ CS&T Research beads. The PMTs are adjusted and checked prior to each use using the NIST size beads to ensure beads from 5 to 50 microns appeared within the scatter plot window.

Experiment variables

· size Specimen_001_QC Beads 5-10-20-30-40-50_001.fcs

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