
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z389 Experiment name: Sputum_Sort_CD45+_populations MIFlowCyt score: 87.98%
Primary researcher: Lydia Bederka PI/manager: Vivienne Rebel Uploaded by: Lydia Bederka
Experiment dates: 2018-08-08 - 2020-12-18 Dataset uploaded: Dec 2020 Last updated: Jun 2021
Keywords: [flow cytometry] [Leukocytes] [macrophage] [sputum] [alveolar] [diagnostics] Manuscripts: Plosonelogo
Organizations: UTHealth San Antonio Flow Cytometry Core Facility, San Antonio , TX (USA)
Purpose: Identify subpopulations of CD45 positive cells isolated from sputum of persons with at least a 30 pack-year history of cigarette smoking. Identifying macrophages allowed us to establish a quality control parameter to confirm the sputum sample originated from the lung and did not contain only saliva.
Conclusion: Alveolar and interstitial macrophages were identified from two independent populations sorted from live, CD45 positive parent populations. The presence of alveolar macrophages confirmed the lung origin of these representative samples.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: BD™ FACSAria™ platform was checked prior to each analysis session with BD FACSDiva™ CS&T Research beads. PMTs were adjusted using small amounts of the unstained, isotype, and sort samples to define the hierarchy and gates for sorted population.
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