
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z5MB Experiment name: Spectrum Flow cytometry immunophenotypic studies of human fetal intestine throughout the second trimesterby a 5-laser Cytek® Aurora MIFlowCyt score: 47.00%
Primary researcher: Nannan Guo PI/manager: Nannan Guo Uploaded by: Nannan Guo
Experiment dates: 2021-02-03 - Dataset uploaded: Aug 2022 Last updated: Aug 2022
Keywords: [human fetal intestine] [High dimensional flow cytometry] [Cytek Aurora] Manuscripts:
Organizations: Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, (Netherlands)
Purpose: The 26-antibody flow cytometry-based panel was developed for in-depth immunophenotyping of the major cell subsets present in the human fetal intestine through time.
Conclusion: Spectral flow cytometry indicated that at week 14 of gestation, the fetal intestine was mainly populated by myeloid cells and three distinct CD3–CD7+ ILCs subsets, followed by rapid appearance of adaptive CD4, CD8 T and B cell subsets in time. Ki-67+ cells were observed in all identified immune subsets as early as week 14 and up to week 22.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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