
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z5XT Experiment name: ADP-induced Ca2+ in Dolphin platelets MIFlowCyt score: 31.50%
Primary researcher: José-Enrique O'Connor PI/manager: José-Enrique O'Connor Uploaded by: José-Enrique O'Connor
Experiment dates: 2018-11-02 - 2019-09-24 Dataset uploaded: Sep 2022 Last updated: Sep 2022
Keywords: [flow cytometry] [platelet activation] [Dolphin] [calcium mobilization] Manuscripts:
Organizations: Valencia University , Cytomics Laboratory, Valencia, (España)
Purpose: To develop a flow cytometric assay to evaluate intraplatelet calcium mobilization during platelet activation in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Conclusion: Fluo-4-AM was successfully used in bottlenose dolphins as a marker of calcium concentration in the platelet. The variations in the Fluo-4-AM intensity fluorescence over time after applying ADP as a stimulus were also similar to those observed in humans. This methodology is useful to measure platelet activation through the study of calcium mobilization in dolphins. The adaptation of this technique to this specie for the first time represents a methodological advance in veterinary and scientific studies with dolphins.
Comments: None
Funding: Fundació Oceanogràfic Generalitat Valenciana
Quality control: The cytometer was daily checked and standardized for performance using appropriate beads
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