
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z64Q Experiment name: Investigation of [NADH:NAD+] of E. coli cells prior/post ciprofloxacin exposure with Peredox biosensor MIFlowCyt score: 42.50%
Primary researcher: Joanna Urbaniec PI/manager: Joanna Urbaniec Uploaded by: Joanna Urbaniec
Experiment dates: 2022-04-01 - 2023-07-01 Dataset uploaded: Mar 2023 Last updated: Jun 2023
Keywords: None Manuscripts:
Organizations: None
Purpose: To investigate redox homeostasis of ciprofloxacin-sensitive and ciprofloxacin-tolerant E. coli cells on as single-cell level, with the use of Peredox NADH:NAD+ biosensor.
Conclusion: Ciprofloxacin-tolerant cells have a significatly lower NADH:NAD+ ratio than the bulk population prior to antibiotic exposure; this difference is also signficant between ciprofloxacin-tolerant cells of a highly-persistent strain E. coli HipQ, and ciprofloxacin-olerant cells of its parental strain
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: Data from 3 independent experiments; controlled for autofluorescence for each timepoint to strains not transformed with the Peredox biosensor; compensation not applied as fluorophores did not overlap
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