
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z68U Experiment name: ShapeCancerRelapse MIFlowCyt score: 63.50%
Primary researcher: Salvador Chulián PI/manager: Salvador Chulián Uploaded by: Salvador Chulián
Experiment dates: 2018-01-01 - 2023-12-31 Dataset uploaded: Apr 2023 Last updated: May 2023
Keywords: [flow cytometry] [normalization] [acute lymphoblastic leukemia] [statistical analysis] [topological data analysis ] Manuscripts:
Organizations: University of Cádiz, Cádiz, (Spain)
University of Cádiz, Mathematics, Puerto Real, Cádiz (Spain)
Purpose: Find differences in the topological structure of the FC data between relapsing (R) and non relapsing (NR) patients in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. We used topological data analysis (TDA) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques.
Conclusion: Biomarkers CD10, CD20, CD38 and CD45 were useful to compare FC data from R and NR patients.
Comments: Please check
Funding: Please check
Quality control: Standard quality control for FACsCanto II
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