This work was partially supported by RC2DK122376, R01CA284595, R01HL122661 and R01CA253981 to H.L.G., an LLS SCOR grant (7020-19) and NIH R35CA242376 to C.T.J., USVA CDA-2 (IK2BX004952-01A1) to A.E.G., NIDDK Cooperative Centers of Excellence in Hematology U54DK106857 (Yale) to D.S.K., U54DK126108 (Cincinnati) and NIH training grants T32 ES007250 to B.S. and F31 HL167628 to E.N.T. Flow cytometric data were acquired using equipment maintained by the Research Flow Cytometry Core in the Division of Rheumatology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center supported by NIH S10OD025045 and the Yale Flow Cytometry Facility supported, in part, by an NCI Cancer Center Support Grant P30CA016359.