
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZYZN Experiment name: Survey Lake Michigan / Muskegon Lake MIFlowCyt score: 70.01%
Primary researcher: Ruben Props PI/manager: Vincent Denef Uploaded by: Ruben Props
Experiment dates: 2013-01-01 - 2015-10-01 Dataset uploaded: Jan 2017 Last updated: Jan 2017
Keywords: [Bacteria] [microbial community] [bacterioplankton] Manuscripts:
Organizations: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI (USA)
Purpose: Survey of the microbial communities in lake Michigan and Muskegon lake.
Conclusion: None
Comments: Metadata is provided, including the table linking the FCM data to the V4 16S amplicon sequencing data available on the NCBI SRA under accesssion ID XXXXX.
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: Machine performance was checked daily by fluorescent beads.
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