
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZ33 Experiment name: Protocol for analyse of expression of IL-1 receptors. MIFlowCyt score: 19.50%
Primary researcher: Filipp Vasilyev PI/manager: Filipp Vasilyev Uploaded by: Filipp Vasilyev
Experiment dates: 2011-02-01 - Dataset uploaded: Sep 2012 Last updated: Oct 2013
Keywords: [interleukin-1 receptor; peripheral blood mononuclear cells; quantitative analysis.] Manuscripts: [23440375] [PMC3967619] Cytotechnologylogo
Organizations: None
Purpose: Optimize protocol of sample preparation for determining the expression level of IL-1RI and IL-1RII using the QuantiBRITE PE kit, as well as estimating quantitatively the number of membrane-bound receptors on various subpopulations of immunocompetent cells from healthy donors.
Conclusion: We have designed an optimal protocol for estimating the expression level of membrane-bound IL-1Rs, with the aid of QuantiBRITE PE calibration beads. Determination of the mean number of membrane-bound molecules of IL-1Rs using this protocol enables us to obtain precise and reproducible data that are required for the more complete and informative estimation of receptor expression levels.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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