
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZ48 Experiment name: Three different 2-color combinations from AmCyan, V450, V500, and V550 MIFlowCyt score: 21.00%
Primary researcher: Barny Abrams PI/manager: Barny Abrams Uploaded by: Barny Abrams
Experiment dates: 2011-08-19 - 2011-08-22 Dataset uploaded: Nov 2012 Last updated: Jun 2013
Keywords: None Manuscripts: [23765858] Cytalogo
Organizations: BD Biosciences, Reagent Applications and Development, San Jose, California (USA)
Purpose: To demonstrate that 3 different 2-color combinations, all excited with the violet laser, are possible from BD's violet-excitable dyes
Conclusion: None
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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