
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZ7S Experiment name: Genetic Barcoding Adherent Cell Types MIFlowCyt score: 82.00%
Primary researcher: Roland Wolkowicz PI/manager: Roland Wolkowicz Uploaded by: Roland Wolkowicz
Experiment dates: 2012-09-01 - 2013-07-01 Dataset uploaded: Sep 2013 Last updated: Oct 2013
Keywords: [flow cytometry] [Fluorescent proteins] [Genetic barcoding] [Retroviral technology] [Multiplexing] [high throughput capabilities] Manuscripts: [24700576] Cytalogo
Organizations: San Diego State University, Biology, San Diego, California (USA)
Purpose: Genetic barcoding of adherent mammalian cells utilizing retroviral technology for enhancing the power of multiplexed application, and versatility of different cell types.
Conclusion: The growing number of existing fluorescent proteins and derivates with distinct absorbance/emission spectra, combined wih the growing number of affordable detection devices and lasers, increases the versatility of multiplexing, making fluorescent genetic barcoding a powerful tool for flow cytometry-based analysis.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: Each figure includes cells with no fluorescent protein as a negative control, allowing for gating.

Experiment variables

· Normal Conditions 293s final_Crimson.fcs · 293s final_Tomato.fcs · 293s final_negative.fcs · Huh thawed_E2 Crimson.fcs · Huh thawed_negative.fcs · Huh thawed_tomato.fcs

Sample Type
· 293 cells 293s final_Crimson.fcs · 293s final_Tomato.fcs · 293s final_negative.fcs
· Huh cells Huh thawed_E2 Crimson.fcs · Huh thawed_negative.fcs · Huh thawed_tomato.fcs

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