
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZ8F Experiment name: Human Mouse Dataset for Ground Truthing Flow Cytometry Clustering Methods (Originally Generated for SWIFT) MIFlowCyt score: 53.75%
Primary researcher: Gaurav Sharma PI/manager: Gaurav Sharma Uploaded by: Gaurav Sharma
Experiment dates: 2009-12-10 - 2009-12-10 Dataset uploaded: Nov 2013 Last updated: Feb 2014
Keywords: [Clustering] [Human Mouse] [SWIFT] [Ground truth] Manuscripts: [24532172] Cytalogo
Organizations: Rochester Human Immunology Center, David H. Smith Center for Vaccine Biology & Immunology, Rochester, NY (USA)
Purpose: These FCS files were created to provide a real, experimental data set which nevertheless contained real "ground truth" so that the accuracy of clustering algorithms such as SWIFT can be evaluated properly. This can be accomplished by electronic mixing of datasets of human and mouse, stained for homologous antigens in both species. Also included are files for mechanically (i.e., non-electronically) mixed cells (stained separately) in a 50%, 50% ratio of mouse to human (and files for rinsing).
Conclusion: The dataset provides a simple set of real, experimental data with a measure of ground truth.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: FCS collection for software testing Routine calibration with CS&T beads (BD Biosciences) was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions no more than 24 h prior to data acquisition.

Experiment variables

Sample Type
· human PBMC Human PBMC_A1_A01.fcs · Human PBMC_A2_A02.fcs · Human PBMC_A3_A03.fcs · Unstained PBMC_C1_C01.fcs
· mouse splenocytes B6PL SPL_B7_B07.fcs · B6PL SPL_B8_B08.fcs · B6PL SPL_B9_B09.fcs · Unstained SPL_C3_C03.fcs
· physically mixed human and mouse Human + mouse_B10_B10.fcs · Human + mouse_B11_B11.fcs · Human + mouse_B12_B12.fcs
· files for between-sample rinses Specimen_002_A7_A07.fcs · Specimen_004_A8_A08.fcs · Specimen_006_A9_A09.fcs · Specimen_008_A10_A10.fcs

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