
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZ9T Experiment name: Comparative Immunophenotyping of equine MSC MIFlowCyt score: 24.75%
Primary researcher: Felicitas Paebst PI/manager: Felicitas Paebst Uploaded by: Felicitas Paebst
Experiment dates: 2013-05-01 - 2013-06-11 Dataset uploaded: Feb 2014 Last updated: Jun 2014
Keywords: None Manuscripts: [24894974] Cytalogo
Organizations: Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, (Germany)
Purpose: ´Comparative immunophenotyping of equine mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) from 5 different cell sources using the ISCT marker panel (Dominici et al. 2006)
Conclusion: Equine MSC show CD29 and CD 44 expression irrespective of the cell source. CD 73 is not seen on equine MSC whereas CD 90 and CD 105 show differences between the cell sources. All exclusion markers are not expressed. Detachment methods influence the surface marker expression
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: Positive control on PBMCs for cross reactivity. Confocal microscopy for cross reactivity on MSC
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