
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZDK Experiment name: Lina Han-Flow-CyTOF MIFlowCyt score: 27.00%
Primary researcher: LINA HAN PI/manager: LINA HAN Uploaded by: LINA HAN
Experiment dates: 2012-10-31 - 2013-07-24 Dataset uploaded: Jun 2014 Last updated: Jan 2015
Keywords: [Acute Myeloid Leukemia] [multicolor flow cytometry] [signaling] Manuscripts: Cytalogo
Organizations: None
Purpose: To validate CyTOF data using flow cytometry
Conclusion: Frequencies of LSC phenotypes and cytokine-induced intracellular signals are consistent between flow cytometry and CyTOF
Comments: None
Funding: This work was supported by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society grant 6427-13 (To M.G. and M.K.). National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute grants P01 CA55164, P30 CA016672, P50 CA100632, R01 CA163481, a Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas Shared Instrument Award, and the Paul and Mary Haas Chair in Genetics (to M.A.).
Quality control: To standardize voltage settings across samples acquired on different days, single stained controls were included. Voltages were adjusted such that fluorescence intensity was identicla for each antibody.
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