
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZDR Experiment name: FIGURE 1_Optimization of rhabdomyosarcoma disseminated disease assessment by flow cytometry MIFlowCyt score: 29.25%
Primary researcher: Ana Almazan PI/manager: Ana Almazan Uploaded by: Ana Almazan
Experiment dates: 2011-05-29 - 2013-06-11 Dataset uploaded: Jul 2014 Last updated: Aug 2014
Keywords: [flow cytometry] [Rhabdomyosarcoma] [PAX3] [minimal residual disease] [soft tissue sarcomas] [pediatric cancer.] Manuscripts: [25155056] Cytalogo
Organizations: Vall d'Hebron Research Unit, Barcelona, (Spain)
Purpose: PAX3 labeling was assayed by flow cytometry in a panel of RMS and non-RMS cell lines to assess the specificity of this marker.
Conclusion: PAX3 could be considered a highly sensitive additional marker for MRD in RMS.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: For flow cytometry analysis, samples treated with the appropriate IgG were used as a negative control. Cell lines expressing high PAX3 levels were used as positive controls of PAX3 detection.
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