
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZDS Experiment name: FIGURE 4_Optimization of rhabdomyosarcoma disseminated disease assessment by flow cytometry MIFlowCyt score: 29.25%
Primary researcher: Ana Almazan PI/manager: Ana Almazan Uploaded by: Ana Almazan
Experiment dates: 2011-05-29 - 2013-07-08 Dataset uploaded: Jul 2014 Last updated: Aug 2014
Keywords: [flow cytometry] [Rhabdomyosarcoma] [PAX3] [minimal residual disease] [soft tissue sarcomas] [pediatric cancer] Manuscripts: [25155056] Cytalogo
Organizations: Vall d'Hebron Research Unit, Barcelona, (Spain)
Purpose: To determine the sensitivity of the PAX3 cytometric assay in 10-fold-increasing serial dilutions of RMS cells in 107 mononuclear cells (MNC) from peripheral blood of healthy donors. The RMS cells used for the serial dilutions were RH30 (aRMS bearing PAX3/FOXO1 translocation), CW9019 (aRMS bearing PAX7/FOXO1 translocation) and RD (eRMS)
Conclusion: PAX3 detection by flow cytometry shows more specificity than the PCR-based standard method of MRD disease detection in RMS.
Comments: None
Funding: This work was supported by grants from Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (RTICC, RD12/0036/0016) and Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria FIS (PI11/00740), Fundació la Marató de TV3, Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer and Fundació Amics Joan petit.
Quality control: For flow cytometry analysis, samples treated with the appropriate IgG were used as a negative control. Cell lines expressing high PAX3 levels and blood samples of healthy donors were used as positive controls of PAX3 and CD45 expression, respectively. In order to establish the sensitivity of the PAX3 detection method, spiking experiments (10-fold-increasing serial dilutions of RMS cells in 107 mononuclear cells from healthy donors) were performed. All determinations were made in triplicate.
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