
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZJ7 Experiment name: GvHD data subset MIFlowCyt score: 67.75%
Primary researcher: Josef Spidlen PI/manager: Josef Spidlen Uploaded by: Josef Spidlen
Experiment dates: 2002-08-16 - 2002-08-20 Dataset uploaded: Mar 2015 Last updated: Mar 2015
Keywords: [GvHD] [DAPI] [FlowRepositoryR] Manuscripts: [17531779] [PMC2000975]
Organizations: BC Cancer Agency, Terry Fox Lab, Vancouver, BC (Canada)
Purpose: Small subset of a GvHD (Graft-versus-Host Disease) data of Brinkman et al. (2007). This dataset contains only 2 FCS files and 2 attachments. The purpose of this dataset is to use it for testing of FlowRepository API and the FlowRepositoryR library. We are purposely keeping this small since this dataset will be downloaded as part of running the unit tests and also building the vignette and manual pages of the FlowRepositoryR library. We want those to finish fast as these processes will be done automatically several times a day. Also, we are not tracking the downloads of this particular dataset since the stats would likely be based mainly on these automated downloads. This means several times a day.
Conclusion: Conclusions are included in the referenced paper.
Comments: If you are interested in the full GvHD dataset, please review the referenced publication. The full dataset is also included as part of the flowCore R library; install and load the flowCore library in R and than enter data(GvHD).
Funding: This work is supported by the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry, the International Clinical Cytometry Society, various research grants and the flow cytometry community in general.
Quality control: Quality control measures described in the referenced paper.Quality control of FlowRepository API and the FlowRepositoryR library is ensured by unit tests and BiocCheck.

Experiment variables

· P1 GvHD2.fcs
· P2 GvHD8.fcs

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