
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZJP Experiment name: Quantitation of Cell-Cell Fusion of wt Non Sonicated Samples Using the Multicolor FCM Assay I MIFlowCyt score: 91.75%
Primary researcher: Valentina Salzman PI/manager: Pablo Aguilar Uploaded by: Valentina Salzman
Experiment dates: 2014-01-30 - 2014-01-30 Dataset uploaded: Mar 2015 Last updated: May 2015
Keywords: [fertilization] [mating] [bi-molecular complementation] [Saccharomyces cerevisiae] Manuscripts: Cytalogo
Organizations: Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Montevideo, (Uruguay)
Purpose: The purpose of the experiment is to quantify cell-cell fusion by flow cytometric analysis of a wt X wt. MATa and MATalpha strains are distinguished by staining each strain with ConcanavalinA- Alexa Fluor 647 (ConA-647) and with ConcanavalinA- Tetramethylrhodamine (ConA-Tet), respectively. Mating pairs are revealed as two-colored entities. Cytoplasmic mixing is measured with a GFP bi-molecular fluorescence complementation assay. Cell fusion efficiency is calculated as the percentage of fused mating pairs over the total number of pairs.
Conclusion: Cell fusion efficiency of a wt X wt non sonicated mating was similar to sonicated samples of experiment titled Quantitation of Cell-Cell Fusion of wt Sonicated Samples Using the Multicolor FCM Assay I.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: Unstained and compensation controls were included in the experiment, matings were analyzed by triplicate.

Experiment variables

Sample Type
· wt control samples 1 150m_30_Jan_14.fcs · 2 150m_30_Jan_14.fcs · 3 150m_30_Jan_14.fcs · 4 150m_30_Jan_14.fcs · 5 150m_30_Jan_14.fcs
· wt X wt mating samples 6 150m_30_Jan_14.fcs · 7 150m_30_Jan_14.fcs · 8 150m_30_Jan_14.fcs

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