
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZJS Experiment name: Fused and Unfused Mating Pairs Discrimination MIFlowCyt score: 92.19%
Primary researcher: Valentina Salzman PI/manager: Pablo Aguilar Uploaded by: Valentina Salzman
Experiment dates: 2014-04-10 - 2014-04-10 Dataset uploaded: Mar 2015 Last updated: May 2015
Keywords: [fertilization] [mating] [bi-molecular complementation] [Saccharomyces cerevisiae] Manuscripts: Cytalogo
Organizations: Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Montevideo, (Uruguay)
Purpose: The purpose of the experiment is to confirm that the upper boundary for negative cells in the GFP channel was identified properly performing an FMO control. Therefore, to reveal the maximum expected fluorescence in this channel for a mating sample when only GFP fluorescence is omitted, mating reactions are performed between stained MATa and MATalpha cells that synthesized the same GFP fragment. Consequently, even though cytoplasm mixing takes place no BiFC is possible and fused mating pairs remain GFP negative.
Conclusion: An unstained haploid sample is a control that reliably identifies GFP negative and GFP positive events for quantitation of cell-cell fusion in fully stained samples
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: FMO was analyzed by triplicate, unstained and compensation controls are included in the same experiment.

Experiment variables

Sample Type
· FMO controls 11NS_10_Apr_14.fcs · 12aNS_10_Apr_14.fcs · 13aNS_10_Apr_14.fcs
· Controls 10NS_10_Apr_14.fcs · 15NS_10_Apr_14.fcs · 18NS_10_Apr_14.fcs · 6NS_10_Apr_14.fcs · 8NS_10_Apr_14.fcs · 9NS_10_Apr_14.fcs

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