
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZJX Experiment name: Quantitation of Cell-Cell Fusion of wt Sonicated Samples Using the Multicolor FCM Assay III. MIFlowCyt score: 91.75%
Primary researcher: Valentina Salzman PI/manager: Pablo Aguilar Uploaded by: Valentina Salzman
Experiment dates: 2014-05-27 - 2014-05-27 Dataset uploaded: Mar 2015 Last updated: May 2015
Keywords: [fertilization] [mating] [bi-molecular complementation] [Saccharomyces cerevisiae] Manuscripts: Cytalogo
Organizations: Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Montevideo, (Uruguay)
Purpose: The purpose of the experiment is to quantify cell-cell fusion by flow cytometric analysis of a wt X wt. MATa and MATalpha strains are distinguished by staining each strain with ConcanavalinA- Alexa Fluor 647 (ConA-647) and with ConcanavalinA- Tetramethylrhodamine (ConA-Tet), respectively. Mating pairs are revealed as two-colored entities. Cytoplasmic mixing is measured with a GFP bi-molecular fluorescence complementation assay. Cell fusion efficiency is calculated as the percentage of fused mating pairs over the total number of pairs. Samples are sonicated before flow cytometry analysis. Results are compared with results obtained with non sonicated samples.
Conclusion: Cell fusion efficiencies of sonicated and non sonicated wt X wt mating were similar.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: Each mating sample was analyzed by triplicate, sonicated unstained and compensation controls are included in the experiment.

Experiment variables

Sample Type
· wt control samples 10s_27_May_14.fcs · 1s_27_May_14.fcs · 2s_27_May_14.fcs · 6s_27_May_14.fcs · 7s_27_May_14.fcs
· wt X wt mating samples 12s_27_May_14.fcs · 13s_27_May_14.fcs · 14s_27_May_14.fcs

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