
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZKH Experiment name: Development of New Conditional Ligands MIFlowCyt score: 63.41%
Primary researcher: Thomas Mørch Frøsig PI/manager: Sine Reker Hadrup Uploaded by: Thomas Mørch Frøsig
Experiment dates: 2011-01-01 - 2014-01-31 Dataset uploaded: May 2015 Last updated: May 2015
Keywords: [flow cytometry] [MHC multimer] [CD8 T cells] [HLA-B molecules] [conditional ligands] Manuscripts: Cytalogo
Organizations: Technical University of Denmark, National Veterinary Institute, Department of Immunology and Vaccinology, Frederiksberg, (Denmark)
Purpose: Develop conditional ligands for use with the UV exchange method for HLA-B08:01, -B15:01, -B35:01 and B44:05 for generation of MHC multimers for use with flow cytometry to enumerate specific T cell populations.
Conclusion: We confirmed the above mentioned conditional ligands by showing their ability to exchange upon UV light exposure and addition of rescue peptide and the ability of the resulting MHC monomers to multimerize and stain specific T cells.
Comments: None
Funding: Danish Cancer Society, University Hospital Herlev Research Council, The Jochum Foundation, The Carlsberg Foundation.
Quality control: HIV staining as well as CS&T beads quality test prior to each day of measurements,
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