
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZL3 Experiment name: Kinin-B1 and B2 receptor in mouse embryonic stem cells MIFlowCyt score: 24.00%
Primary researcher: Isis Nascimento PI/manager: Isis Nascimento Uploaded by: Isis Nascimento
Experiment dates: 2012-09-01 - 2013-03-31 Dataset uploaded: Jul 2015 Last updated: Jul 2015
Keywords: [Embryonic stem cells] [Undifferentiated cell marker] [bradykinin] [neural differentiation] Manuscripts: Cytalogo
Organizations: None
Purpose: The purpose of the experiment was to quantify the expression of neural differentiation markers during neural differentiation in dependence of kinin receptor activity
Conclusion: Analysis by flow cytometry showed that over 85% of the undifferentiated cells were positive for OCT4 expression, ensuring the embryonic character of the cell population. The expression of kinin receptors was detected in ES cells. Furthermore, it was observed involvement of B1 kinin receptors in the regulation of cell proliferation and neuronal maturation, while the B2 receptor activity is related with neural phenotype choice, promoting neurogenesis over gliogenesis
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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