
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZPH Experiment name: Comparison of clustering methods for high-dimensional single-cell flow and mass cytometry (CyTOF) data MIFlowCyt score: 31.25%
Primary researcher: Lukas Weber PI/manager: Lukas Weber Uploaded by: Lukas Weber
Experiment dates: 2015-09-01 - Dataset uploaded: Feb 2016 Last updated: Dec 2016
Keywords: None Manuscripts: [27992111] [31099963] Cytalogo
Organizations: University of Zurich, Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, Mark Robinson lab, Zurich, (Switzerland)
Purpose: This repository contains pre-processed data files to reproduce the analyses in our paper on comparing clustering methods for high-dimensional flow and mass cytometry (CyTOF) data. There are 6 main data sets, and 2 data sets from the FlowCAP-I challenges, as described in the paper. R scripts to reproduce all analyses and figures in the paper (including scripts to prepare the data files) are available from GitHub at: The final paper is published in Cytometry Part A, 89A: 1084-1096, available open access at:
Conclusion: None
Comments: For each of the 6 main data sets, there is one main .fcs file, plus an additional .fcs file labeled "notransform". The "notransform" files contain non-transformed data, where the standard arcsinh transform has not yet been applied. For the two FlowCAP data sets, non-transformed data is not available. Manually gated population labels are included as a column within the .fcs files. The "population_names" .txt files (attachments) provide meta-data of cell population names corresponding to each label (for the data sets with multiple populations of interest; see paper). Gating-ML 2.0 .xml files (attachments) provide the gating schemes for data sets Nilsson_rare and Mosmann_rare.
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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