
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZSX Experiment name: A flowcytometric analysis to efficiently quantify multiple innate immune cells and T cell subsets in clinical studies MIFlowCyt score: 32.00%
Primary researcher: Dominik Draxler PI/manager: Dominik Draxler Uploaded by: Dominik Draxler
Experiment dates: 2015-10-28 - Dataset uploaded: Jul 2016 Last updated: Dec 2016
Keywords: None Manuscripts: [28264143] Cytalogo
Organizations: None
Purpose: To establish a protocol for an advanced multi-colour flow cytometry approach facilitating a reliable and comprehensive description of the cellular immune response of both myeloid and lymphoid cell populations in human blood
Conclusion: We have established two antibody panels for a comprehensive description of innate and T cell populations. With our method it is possible to evaluate immune activation versus immunosuppression and to receive clear resolution for all 15 markers stained in each panel. The protocol has been optimised for RBC-lysed human whole blood as well as PBMCs.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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