
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZYF Experiment name: Neutrophil Isolation MIFlowCyt score: 51.50%
Primary researcher: Loren Erickson PI/manager: Loren Erickson Uploaded by: Loren Erickson
Experiment dates: 2011-06-01 - 2012-03-01 Dataset uploaded: May 2012 Last updated: Jan 2013
Keywords: [Neutrophil] [autoimmune] [isolation] [spleen] Manuscripts: [22760952] [PMC3548322] Cytalogo
Organizations: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (USA)
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment was to utilize multiple methods to isolate splenic murine neutrophils and compare and contrast the effectiveness of these protocols based on 3 parameters: purity, viability and activation. We expected that each method would yield a distinct number of viable/pure neutrophils and that each isolation method would result in different degrees of activation of the neutrophils.
Conclusion: In this study, we describe a modified magnetic bead isolation protocol for enriching spleen resident neutrophils by negative selection. EasySep® and Ficoll isolation methods fail to effectively purify neutrophils and particularly, in the case of Ficoll, yield a population of cells with low viability. While sort-purification generates a highly pure and viable population of neutrophils, the process of sorting leads to a substantial activation of the cells. Our results demonstrate that the OAC protocol yields a pure population of neutrophils. Equally important, the OAC protocol does not adversely affect cell viability or activation.
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: Antibodies were titrated to determine optimal staining conditions. Gates were set based on previously determined FMO.
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