
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-ZZYR Experiment name: User-defined protein marker assay development for characterization of circulating tumor cells using the CellSearch system MIFlowCyt score: 29.25%
Primary researcher: Alison Allan PI/manager: Alison Allan Uploaded by: Alison Allan
Experiment dates: 2008-10-01 - 2011-08-31 Dataset uploaded: Jul 2012 Last updated: Jan 2013
Keywords: [Cancer] [metastasis] [circulating tumor cells (CTCs)] [CD44] [M-30] [CellSearch® system] [user-defined marker] [CTC characterization] Manuscripts: [22899576] Cytalogo
Organizations: London Regional Cancer Program, London Health Sciences Centre, Cancer Research, Flow Cytometry/Special Hematology, London, Ontario (Canada)
Purpose: The purpose of the flow cytometry experiments in this study was to assess expression/presence of circulating tumor cell (CTC)-associated markers/characteristics in immortalized human cancer cell lines and normal human blood (i.e. percentage of cell population expressing the marker/characteristic of interest).
Conclusion: Flow cytometry analysis is a useful way of validating the percentage of cells within a given cell population that are positive for CTC-associated markers/characteristics of interest. This analysis provides a valuable starting point for optimization of user-defined markers for CTC characterization using the CellSearch® system (Veridex)
Comments: None
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: For marker expression analysis, FMO or appropriate IgG isotype controls were used. For experiments involving assessment of apoptosis, untreated cells were used as a negative control.
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