
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z8CL Experiment name: BIA study - interim analysis MIFlowCyt score: 24.00%
Primary researcher: Jeske Van Pamelen PI/manager: Jeske Van Pamelen Uploaded by: Jeske Van Pamelen
Experiment dates: 2019-01-01 - 2021-12-31 Dataset uploaded: Oct 2024 Last updated: Oct 2024
Keywords: [CyTOF] [multiple sclerosis] [cladribine tablets] Manuscripts:
Organizations: None
Purpose: To describe the changes that cladribine tablets effectuate in the immunological profile of patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis, and to determine if the composition of the immunological profile differs between responders and nonresponders.
Conclusion: Three months after treatment we found a significant decline of naïve and transitional B cells and memory B cells, and of CD57+ CD56dim NK cells. Twelve months after treatment the values changed back to baseline levels, except for the memory B cells. No significant differences based on response status were found.
Comments: Sample description contains visit number (baseline, after 3 and 12 months). Additional file 'Related samples' explains which samples are from the same patient. Additional analysis on microbiota in the same population took place. This database can be found via
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None
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