
Experiment Overview

Repository ID: FR-FCM-Z744 Experiment name: RNAi-based Boolean gates in the yeast S. cerevisiae MIFlowCyt score: 44.00%
Primary researcher: Ximing Tian PI/manager: Ximing Tian Uploaded by: Ximing Tian
Experiment dates: 2021-10-01 - 2023-12-16 Dataset uploaded: Dec 2023 Last updated: Dec 2023
Keywords: [siRNA] [yEGFP] Manuscripts:
Organizations: TianJin University, School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Tian Jin, (China)
Purpose: To evaluate the expression level of green fluorescence in gene digital circuits constructed in this project.
Conclusion: None
Comments: All these samples were measured at least three times independently on different days.
Funding: Not disclosed
Quality control: None

Experiment variables

· Figure 1 234-GLU-1.fcs · 234-GLU-2.fcs · 234-GLU-3.fcs · 250-GLU-1.fcs · 250-GLU-3.fcs · 254-GAL-1.fcs · 254-GAL-4.fcs · 254-GAL-5.fcs · 254-GLU-1.fcs · 254-GLU-2.fcs · 254-GLU-3.fcs · 254-GLU-4.fcs · 254-GLU-5.fcs · 279-GAL-1.fcs · 279-GAL-2.fcs · 279-GAL-3.fcs · 279-GAL-4.fcs · 279-GAL-5.fcs · 279-GAL-6.fcs · 279-GLU-1.fcs · 279-GLU-2.fcs · 279-GLU-3.fcs · 279-GLU-4.fcs · 279-GLU-5.fcs · 279-GLU-6.fcs · 280-GAL-1.fcs · 280-GAL-2.fcs · 280-GAL-3.fcs · 280-GAL-4.fcs · 280-GAL-5.fcs · 280-GAL-6.fcs · 280-GLU-1.fcs · 280-GLU-2.fcs · 280-GLU-3.fcs · 280-GLU-4.fcs · 280-GLU-5.fcs

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